When planning a trip sometimes it’s hard to know what you want to see, how to plan it, and get it all organized. If you are like me, tours and touristy stuff might not be super high on the list of things to do when you go somewhere new either. The fact is that some of those tourist things are actually really cool and are worth the visit. Little did I know, the New Zealand trilogy tour would be just what I needed.

While planning our New Zealand trip, I came across a few tours and activities that I wanted to see while we were there. There were 3 things I knew for sure that we wanted to check out. The Glow Worm caves, Hobbiton, and a traditional Maori Haka. While researching tickets for all of these I came across The Trilogy Experience. I went to the site and read up on it and low and behold, it checked all the boxes of all the things we wanted to do and it was at a discount rate!.

What is the New Zealand Trilogy Experience?

The Trilogy tour combines the most popular sites in the north island of New Zealand: Hobbiton Movie Set Tours, Te Puia, and Te Pō combo, and the Waitomo Glowworm Caves and Ruakuri Cave. There is also a super-charged experience that includes black water rafting.


At the Waitomo caves, you will experience the famous glow worm caves, it’s a 30-minute boat tour through the caves where you witness thousands of these little bioluminescent creatures. You will also tour the Raukuri Cave, Walk down a spectacular spiral staircase down in the caves and check out limestone formations and get up close with some glow worms. Bring a jacket! It gets pretty chilly down there. 

Hobbiton Movie Set

At the Hobbiton Movie set, you will tour the real set used in the making of the Lord of the Rings and Hobbit movies. The tour will give you the history of the set and some interesting facts about the movies and the making of them. After the tour, you enjoy a brew in the Green Dragon. This is a fun stop even if you are not into the movies.  

Te Puia

The third part of the New Zealand Trilogy is Te Puia. It is home to the famous Pohutu Geyser as well as hot springs, silica terraces, bubbling mud pools, healing and cooking pools, that have been used by Māori for 700 years. You will walk the grounds and see all of this along with some native animals and also see how the Maori keep their traditions alive at the school on the grounds. Afterward, will witness a traditional Haka including a freshly cooked meal from the Hangi. 

So Why Book the New Zealand Trilogy tour?

The New Zealand Trilogy experience makes it easy to book these mustsee activities all in one site and it gives you a discount! You save 42 NZD per adult ticket, 19 on children, and over 200 NZD for a family of 4. So having to book these separately would mean going to 3 different sites and paying individually for these tours, which costs more. The Trilogy tour is the way to go!

Something to keep in mind. These experiences are up to 2 hours apart from each other so it is not likely you will get them done in one day. We managed to get it done in 2 days, Hobbiton in the evening, Waitomo the next morning first then and then the evening of that day at Te Puia. Make sure to account for your travel time when booking. We had a rental car if you do not, they have transportation options from Rotorua. 


Adult $302 NZD
Child $141 NZD
Family $796 NZD (2 adults and 2 children; extra child add NZ $127)

(As of 2019)

You can book your experience here

Have you been? Do you plan to check it out? Comment below!

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  1. Pam

    What a cool experience! I have never heard of this before.

  2. Hunter has visited and shared stories with me about The Glow Worm Caves.

  3. Michele

    Considering that New Zealand is high on my bucket list, this is great information to know! Thanks! The pictures are awesome!

    • admin

      Glad it was useful! It’s a great trip you will have a blast when you go!

  4. Lisa

    I would totally book this! The glow worms sound awesome

  5. kmf

    😍This experience sounds and looks so cool…saving it for when I get the opportunity to visit NZ.

  6. All of these experiences sound amazing!! My girls have been asking about movie settings lately too.

  7. jen

    This looks like an absolute amazing experience. so cool

  8. I’m all about getting a discount and I would love to visit New Zealand. Bookmarking for future reference!

    • admin

      Ya! It’s a good deal especially since those are some of the key things to see when you go there! Glad you found it useful!

  9. This looks so cool. I have never thought of going to New Zealand. I am going to check it out and see if I should add it to my list.

  10. New Zealand has always been on our bucket list. So amazing you guys got to experience this gorgeous country

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