Have you ever wondered what it is like to be in a washing machine? Well lucky for you you don’t have to shove yourself into your whirlpool to find out. Just go zorbing! It’s 2 minutes of sloshing, swirling madness, and rubber burns that you will be glad you experienced!
Ok. Let’s go over the basics.
What is Zorbing?
Zorbing is a giant inflatable ball that a person or persons sits in and is then pushed down a hill. There is dry and wet zorbing. We learned, however, that unless the dry zorbing is done on flat ground (think hamster in a ball) it’s not safe and only wet zorbing should be done if incline is involved. Basically, the difference is one there is no water in the ball with you and the other you are in the ball with water which helps you move around the ball easier.
Our Experience Zorbing
We went zorbing in New Zealand, In Rotorua. It’s the first thing we did that day. We drive up and go in. All I had read before this was the hamster ball experience I mentioned before, nothing about wet. Needless to say, we were not prepared when they stated that for safety reasons they only offered wet rides. Now. It’s March. Which is the start of fall. We had sweaters on. And they wanted us in bathing suits? After contemplating for a few minutes we decided YOLO! Ugh. I just said yolo. Well, anyway, you do. So we opted to do give it ago.
Since we stay at a different place each night we had our bags with us so we went to the car to get our suits and towels and got changed. You head up to the launch area (and you’re cold if it’s March) and you slide in the ball. And then they fill it with some warm water. Thank goodness it was warm! Not much just enough to help you slip and slide. At this point, we were not sure exactly what to expect.
This is what ensued:
And that’s it. That’s zorbing. We dried off and changed then headed off for the next leg of the journey.
Is it something I would do it again? I don’t know. Maybe. But I am glad we didn’t chicken out and gave it a go.
What do you think, would you give it a go?
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