It occurred to me recently that I need to clarify something about this here travel blog.

If you are looking for a relaxing vacation, spent poolside with a drink in hand and not a care in the world, I am afraid you have come to the wrong place. While those are nice from time to time, the majority of our trips are not that.

For this reason, I will refrain from using the word “vacation” to describe the trips you will read about here. An adventure may be the more appropriate word. When I plan a trip there are a few goals in mind:

  1. See as much as we can in the allotted time
  2. Don’t break the bank
  3. Absorb as much culture as we can.

Because of this, my trips are jam-packed with long, full days and a good amount of driving. These are fast-paced, pretty non-stop trips that you might need a vacation afterward to recover from. Most of the trips I plan rarely involve staying in the same place each night, you will live out of the suitcase. Lunch is often had in the car on the way to where you are headed next and you may only see your awesome room long enough to hit the pillows.

For us, this none stop way of travel is the only way. Why waste time in a bed or in a room?? There is a whole country to see!! I am sure many of you are like me and my boyfriend, time off is limited, so you make do with the time you get. This goes for money too, we aren’t the wealthiest duo (yet, hehe), keeping costs down is a big factor in making these trips a reality.

I will share the adventures we take, I will share cost-saving options and plenty of free things to do on any given trip but the main focus of most trips is to grow and learn. To be a bigger part of our world. Share culture.

hopefully, this will help you plan your own trip! If this face-paced style suits you then you are most definitely in the right place, If it doesn’t that doesn’t mean you can’t hang around! Take the parts of the journey that work for you or spread it out more if you have the time! Either way, I hope enjoy reading about our adventures and I do hope that you get the chance to make one yourself.

Happy Travels!

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